Reginald Darlington-Wick
I fell down a ravine and hurt my ancle. After that everything went to hell in a canvas bag.
There was a room with a big orgel, that used human heads for the tunes. And in the room with the snake statue Walter Wayne Wilson, my friend and doctor, went crazy and ran away.
Me and Journalist Alexander Hughes tried to find him, but my mind is breaking up. We met some other people that had come looking for the owner of the house, my friend.
There was monkeys or humans there, then the big white thing came, and it killed Mr Hughes.
I ran. I ran. I fell into a hole, I helped the other person there, but that person did not stop to help me up. I couldn’t climb.
My foot hurts
A last try.
I see the creature
I fell
So, this is it. I will die in this hole.
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